This video about how Israel killed its own people on October 7th was shot the day before the "counter-terror" raid on my home and seizure of my devices.
This all sucks, but I am comforted by the fact that anyone who hears about the raid or hears your name, will see the article and/or video, and it's so clearly titled that everyone will know exactly what happened on Oct 7 without even needing to read or watch. So any mention of you in the media will probably lead people to learn the truth about Oct 7, and/or start reading the Electronic Intifada, and our movement will grow and grow. Thank you for your essential work! 🇵🇸
Zionist suppression of truth and witness has expanded way beyond just criticism of Israel. Zionists in the Anglosphere and EU today basically demand full submission and scrapping of the Law. Or establishing new laws that make reporting and eyewitness a crime like "terrorism". It has really gone too far. Zionist lawlessness is now nearly global.
"One clue may be seen the fact that the Crown Prosecution Service has now been severely infiltrated by Zionists."
Starmer. *Sigh. So sorry you are facing this, Asa. Keep fighting the good fight because as awful as the experience has been, it has brought you into greater renown all across the world and your words are being read by far more people. (See the irony in that, Mr Police man?)
I tune in every Wednesday morning to the EI report. Your programme is like a weekly Alt/Ctl/Del re-set that wipes out all the germs, bugs and viral infections l inadvertently pick up from main stream news media and a re-start of my Operating System. Thank you. Stay safe.
The FBI came to my house last month in Denver with a printout of a comment I made on Instagram in Nov 2023.. saying “What’s Hamas’s Venmo?💚” under a post of an IDF fundraiser happening on Long Island .
''One clue may be seen the fact that the Crown Prosecution Service has now been severely infiltrated by Zionists.''
No doubt it is - however their influence predates the first world war and the sorry mess that followed.
Okt 7 might not be the only time when the Zionist sacrificed their own people while pursuing another agenda. [And they're not alone]
Exposing the crimes of empire is bound to trigger a response -- More so when there's a large following.
There's more to this genocide -- it serves other long term agenda's just like the first world war ended the Ottoman empire and paved the way for the expansion of the Judeo -Christian empire.
Well, your story about Israelis indiscriminately killing each other alongside everybody else they kill is probably one reason the authorities came after you. But another is that bright, flaming, Viking-looking beard.
Are you SURE they weren't looking for your hidden longship and crew?
Asa: Have you set up a fund to pay our legal costs in this matter? If yes, I will make a contribution. I appreciate all the work you do, including your 2 July 2024 piece that led to this piece in THE LEFT LANE the same day : Alan Story THE LEFT LANE
The Devil IsRael is trying to hide the truth from everyone so that it can continue to do its evil work. Why are we defending the Devil IsRael? Have we all become evil...
Time PSB in GB did its own investigation into 'foreign interference' in British Politics & I don't mean Russia. BBC & Channel 4 have a responsibility, under their own charters, to protect our democracy but only Aljazeera has ever dared to investigate. It seems there is no such thing as 'investigative journalism' now that John Polger has gone & Julian Assange 'eliminated'. Most journalists who dare venture into Gaza are shot & so BBC remains in Jerusalem.
Have you been, by chance coming upon Palestinian statements about "October 7th"?
I have been browsing 30+ articles on "The electronic intifada", but found none. Nothing.
Given the following 2002 article:
"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories ,” said the official, on condition of anonymity. He said the alleged collaborators sought to “discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide [Israel with] reasons to carry out a new [military] aggression in the Gaza Strip.”
Palestinians know about the process. I would of course be expecting some harsh two cents, then, but look, I am not even able to find anything mentioning it.
One problem with that "Hamas attack" is that it "says" that the following (which is the real outcome) was triggered by Palestinians :
° Aubedigitale - «Israel offers boat trips to Israelis to watch the destruction of the Gaza Strip»
° Brett WILKINS - “Israeli firm 'cashing in on genocide' by pitching beachfront real estate in leveled Gaza”
"Hey let's take some Israelis hostages"
And then, Palestinian voices are missing a chunk; they feature:
"And I lost X family members"
- instead of -
"And I lost X family members after that Hamas attack"
"And I lost X family members because of that Hamas attack"
And given the 2002 article, we may reasonably expect the following:
"Oh.. YEah...Hamas.. You know guys... Hamas is NOT us"
Let's count on it, there is nothing! Not even any single mention of the 7th attack, in positive or negative terms.
Any explanation? After having been browsing 50+ articles on the topic, I guess that one voice for Palestinians expressing WHATEVER on the topic of October 7 is a basic. No-thing. This going against the odds matches a reality problem.
But wasn’t Israel’s use of the Hannibal Directive mentioned in a Haaretz article too? If so, maybe like Jeremy Loffredo who was arrested and detained for reporting results of Iran’s missile attack which was also covered by Israeli journalists and cleared for reporting by the relevant Israeli government department, it boils down to who exposes Israel’s intelligence and not just what intelligence..
This is clearly a putative attack on Asa for daring to challenge the dominant narrative. It seems to me that those in power are becoming more and more desperate to keep people from unraveling their web of lies, because the truth incriminates them all.
This all sucks, but I am comforted by the fact that anyone who hears about the raid or hears your name, will see the article and/or video, and it's so clearly titled that everyone will know exactly what happened on Oct 7 without even needing to read or watch. So any mention of you in the media will probably lead people to learn the truth about Oct 7, and/or start reading the Electronic Intifada, and our movement will grow and grow. Thank you for your essential work! 🇵🇸
Zionist suppression of truth and witness has expanded way beyond just criticism of Israel. Zionists in the Anglosphere and EU today basically demand full submission and scrapping of the Law. Or establishing new laws that make reporting and eyewitness a crime like "terrorism". It has really gone too far. Zionist lawlessness is now nearly global.
"One clue may be seen the fact that the Crown Prosecution Service has now been severely infiltrated by Zionists."
Starmer. *Sigh. So sorry you are facing this, Asa. Keep fighting the good fight because as awful as the experience has been, it has brought you into greater renown all across the world and your words are being read by far more people. (See the irony in that, Mr Police man?)
I tune in every Wednesday morning to the EI report. Your programme is like a weekly Alt/Ctl/Del re-set that wipes out all the germs, bugs and viral infections l inadvertently pick up from main stream news media and a re-start of my Operating System. Thank you. Stay safe.
Great observation!
The FBI came to my house last month in Denver with a printout of a comment I made on Instagram in Nov 2023.. saying “What’s Hamas’s Venmo?💚” under a post of an IDF fundraiser happening on Long Island .
''One clue may be seen the fact that the Crown Prosecution Service has now been severely infiltrated by Zionists.''
No doubt it is - however their influence predates the first world war and the sorry mess that followed.
Okt 7 might not be the only time when the Zionist sacrificed their own people while pursuing another agenda. [And they're not alone]
Exposing the crimes of empire is bound to trigger a response -- More so when there's a large following.
There's more to this genocide -- it serves other long term agenda's just like the first world war ended the Ottoman empire and paved the way for the expansion of the Judeo -Christian empire.
War is a racket by which they rule.
Well, your story about Israelis indiscriminately killing each other alongside everybody else they kill is probably one reason the authorities came after you. But another is that bright, flaming, Viking-looking beard.
Are you SURE they weren't looking for your hidden longship and crew?
Asa: Have you set up a fund to pay our legal costs in this matter? If yes, I will make a contribution. I appreciate all the work you do, including your 2 July 2024 piece that led to this piece in THE LEFT LANE the same day : Alan Story THE LEFT LANE
The Devil IsRael is trying to hide the truth from everyone so that it can continue to do its evil work. Why are we defending the Devil IsRael? Have we all become evil...
Time PSB in GB did its own investigation into 'foreign interference' in British Politics & I don't mean Russia. BBC & Channel 4 have a responsibility, under their own charters, to protect our democracy but only Aljazeera has ever dared to investigate. It seems there is no such thing as 'investigative journalism' now that John Polger has gone & Julian Assange 'eliminated'. Most journalists who dare venture into Gaza are shot & so BBC remains in Jerusalem.
Dear Asa,
Have you been, by chance coming upon Palestinian statements about "October 7th"?
I have been browsing 30+ articles on "The electronic intifada", but found none. Nothing.
Given the following 2002 article:
"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories ,” said the official, on condition of anonymity. He said the alleged collaborators sought to “discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide [Israel with] reasons to carry out a new [military] aggression in the Gaza Strip.”
Palestinians know about the process. I would of course be expecting some harsh two cents, then, but look, I am not even able to find anything mentioning it.
One problem with that "Hamas attack" is that it "says" that the following (which is the real outcome) was triggered by Palestinians :
° Aubedigitale - «Israel offers boat trips to Israelis to watch the destruction of the Gaza Strip»
° Brett WILKINS - “Israeli firm 'cashing in on genocide' by pitching beachfront real estate in leveled Gaza”
"Hey let's take some Israelis hostages"
And then, Palestinian voices are missing a chunk; they feature:
"And I lost X family members"
- instead of -
"And I lost X family members after that Hamas attack"
"And I lost X family members because of that Hamas attack"
And given the 2002 article, we may reasonably expect the following:
"Oh.. YEah...Hamas.. You know guys... Hamas is NOT us"
Let's count on it, there is nothing! Not even any single mention of the 7th attack, in positive or negative terms.
Any explanation? After having been browsing 50+ articles on the topic, I guess that one voice for Palestinians expressing WHATEVER on the topic of October 7 is a basic. No-thing. This going against the odds matches a reality problem.
But wasn’t Israel’s use of the Hannibal Directive mentioned in a Haaretz article too? If so, maybe like Jeremy Loffredo who was arrested and detained for reporting results of Iran’s missile attack which was also covered by Israeli journalists and cleared for reporting by the relevant Israeli government department, it boils down to who exposes Israel’s intelligence and not just what intelligence..
This is clearly a putative attack on Asa for daring to challenge the dominant narrative. It seems to me that those in power are becoming more and more desperate to keep people from unraveling their web of lies, because the truth incriminates them all.
so it's not it and you have that feeling.
-Did you have any "idea" - a new avenue to explore? Something that got left out while in the mess of confiscation?
-Do you remember any [very] unusual source telling you about something?
As you say there must be a reason.
Rechecking all your messages for the time period?
But as well, those guys are much into policies, decrees and stuffs and the decision may have been planned some time ago. Just bureaucracy