With the Palestinian-Israeli conflict — past and present, but seemingly now more than ever — there has been widespread partisanship via Internet and news commentary. The politics of polarization outside of Israel and even the Middle East, perhaps in part for its own sake, has gotten quite disturbing.

Within social media especially, the angry and thoughtless two-dimensional views have been especially amplified, including the majority posted by non-Jews and non-Palestinians.

It all arouses a spectator-sport effect or mentality, with many contemptible trolls residing well outside the region yet actively supporting the ‘side’ [via politicized commentary posts] that they hate less. I anticipate many actually keep track of the bloody match by checking the day’s-end death-toll score, however extremely lopsided those numbers.

Meanwhile, growing Western indifference, whether actual or misperceived, towards the mass starvation and slaughter of helpless Palestinian non-combatants will only have further inflamed long-held Middle Eastern anger towards the West.

Some countries’ actual provision, mostly by the U.S., of highly effective weapons used in Israel’s onslaught will likely have turned that anger into lasting hatred seeking eye-for-an-eye redress.

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Asa, thank you for highlighting the riots in the UK during todays live broadcast. I heard an interview with Tommy Robinson by Rebel News. I used to think his heart was in the right place when it came to protecting young girls from grooming gangs but, he seems to have gone off the deep end.

I understand that he is very bitter about what he perceives as a two-tier police and judicial system but, he then compared the heavy-handed policing of the anti-immigration rioters to the hands-off approach taken with the weekly Free Palestine protesters in London. Ironically Tommy said he condemned ALL violence so I wonder if he's even heard of Gaza?

If you feel inclined to watch the Rebel News interview, perhaps you can share your thoughts on next Wednesdays EI show?

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