"Within months of Rabin’s death, Benjamin Netanyahu was the new Prime Minister and the prospects for a wider-ranging peace in the Middle East, which had seemed in Rabin’s grasp, were dead, too."

Peace is "not" an option when you're dealing with a fanatical fascist government armed and limitlessly funded by the West.

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Thank you I do what I can to spread the truth.

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Thank you for your report: it is difficult to get the whole picture.

And can South Africa stop the genocide? Can anyone stop the slaughter of Palestinians?

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The Bad Hasbarra conflating Anti-Semitism with Anti-Zionism, Anti-Apatheid and Anti-Genocide has gotten totally out of hand. People are afraid to speak the truth. Zionists are the real terrorists.

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Thank goodness for your analysis, Asa.

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It’s beyond me how any sane, decent person can continue to support Israel.

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