May 23Liked by Asa Winstanley

Great light on the complexity and perversity of the collective sociopathy that has seized Israeli society. This is the result of the ideological formatting undertaken from an early age, aimed at instilling fear and hatred as well as the dehumanization of the other. The result, as we see it, is frightening!…

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May 23Liked by Asa Winstanley

And Hamas is accused of using human shields as an act of barbarity while no one in western media bats an eyelid about the Hannibal directive.. racism in steroids.

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Agreed, but don't forget the the entire West has also been subjected to this brainwashing to accept the Israeli foundation myths for the last 75 years.

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Hear Hear..."the entire West has also been subjected to this brainwashing to accept the Israeli foundation myths for the last 75 years."

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Absolutely sick society that needs an intervention:


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No. No, no interventions. Let it play out to its illogical and irrational conclusion.

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May 23Liked by Asa Winstanley

The sickness of Israel!

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May 23Liked by Asa Winstanley

Yep, Israel is a death cult.

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May 23Liked by Asa Winstanley

Thank you Asa. Excellent in-depth article exposing the historical factual truths regarding the Hannibal Directory resulting in a present day Israeli society horrifyingly trapped in the dark black cave of psychological denial.

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Okay - so further evidence, if any was needed, that Israel is a sick and bizarre society completely indoctrinated in fanatical race hatred for its Arab neighbors, and so pathologically evil that a parent will kill their child, or a spouse their partner, rather than risk them being captured by “the enemy”.

And why? Why would the neurotic, ultra-paranoid citizens of Israel prefer to kill their loved ones rather than see them taken as hostages? Because hostages are a drag on the government. The Israeli government doesn’t want to take the welfare of the hostages into account when it’s carpet bombing Gaza back to the Stone Age, or committing outrageous violations of international law. Pretending to care about the hostages and allegedly working 24/7 to “bring them home” is an insuperable interference in the scope of the IOF’s genocidal response to the potent threat to the security of der Judenstaat, posed by unarmed women, children, and senior citizens.

Additionally, Israeli hostages means another round of tiresome bogus negotiations with the human animals aka Palestinians which is a tacit acknowledgment that 1) they aren’t animals, they’re human, 2) they have some measure of leverage over Israel, and 3) Israel may have to agree to a ceasefire, when all it really wants to do is continue to kill Palestinians. It’s a side show, a distraction, negotiations take up time and force Israel to pretend it gives a shit about people who, if their parents or loved ones had only DONE THE RIGHT THING, should have been shot in the head before they thoughtlessly, heedlessly and selfishly fell into the hands of terrorists.

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These Zionist Israelis should remember that Josef Goebbels and his wife murdered their own children when they realized that WWII was lost and that the Russians were coming. How much more do they want to imitate the Nazis? They disgust me.

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It's also a classic case of projection.

Israelis (iust as with little Leil) angrily accuse the Palestinians of being "human animals," of beheading babies and torturing, murdering, and raping their captives, of killing out of racial hatred, of using their children as shields.

In reality, as investigations have shown, the Palestinians do virtually none of these things, while the Israelis themselves do them all in spades, and much worse, on a mass scale, as well as inventing new psychological and physical tortures, and it is thus the Israelis who are truly the barbarians, the monsters, and the torture-murderers and acolytes of Nazi genocide.

If they weren't planning to steal the Gaza land for their own illegal settlements, they probably would be imitating the Romans with regard to Carthage by sowing salt in Gaza so that nothing would ever grow there. again

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You might be interested in this recent article from +972 Magazine:

"How Israel twists antisemitism claims to project its own crimes onto Palestinians"


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A fascinating and disturbing article. However it's worth pointing out that this is a very 'gendered' story and is not confined to Israel. There are many instances in the world of men / fathers / brothers / grandfathers / uncles / sons 'sacrificing' women and children to 'preserve their honour' or 'save' them from 'shame'. Not infrequently the so-called shame these men are so afraid of is something that is thought to reflect badly on these same, murderous, men.

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Certainly, “honour crimes” exist and persist in societies that are often described as archaic, backward and polluted by misguided religious considerations. But, in this case, the adherence to the Hannibal Directive and the Samson Option reflects a serious mistake and the confinement of a society in a harmful mental cul-de-sac that allows to elude the right questions and rational solutions expunged from any victimising or paranoid delusion

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Ruth, we’re not discussing other cultures bizarre and stupid customs. The focus is on Israel, which purports to be an outpost of Western civilization and values. It’s got the values part down pat, but it’s not a part of Western civilization. It’s its own little hive of ultra-Jewish nastiness and paranoia.

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Removed (Banned)May 25
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Blow it out your ass.

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A very sick society .That's what happens to people that have been in a cult for too long

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The self-righteous bloodlust of people who think they are entitled to God’s favor never ceases to amaze me.

St. Augustine recounts a story of women who killed themselves rather than endure being raped. City of God, I.16-17). Augustine asks, “Why then should a man who has done no wrong do wrong to himself? Why should he kill the innocent and putting himself death to prevent the guilty man from doing it? Why should he commit a sin against himself to deprive someone else the chance?” in fact, Augustine argued being raped is not a sin for the woman, but killing herself is. In context of this Gaza story, having your children kidnapped is not a sin (by you) but killing them would be.

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Oh, tee hee! I am undone by your razor sharp wit you clever little man!

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What absolute barbarians. There is more humanity in one hamas fighter than in all of Israel.

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Thank You

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Fabulous, as usual, Asa! Thank you!

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That's an interesting "Israeli" accent he's got.

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