Thank you for sharing this Carina, not that it's... but, it's good to call attention to the hell that is here on earth.

I can't wrap my head around this US elections game. They aren't talking about everything Israel, the US and the other Westerns have wrought on Gaza, on humanity and all the Moral damage being done. No, I'll vote, but for the one person that speaks out about this and joins in the protests and even got thrown to the ground by the pro-zionist cops.

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Damn straight. I might just sit this out. They’re all either revolting Repukes or smarmy yet conflicted Dems desperately trying to be all things to all people, and guess what? It’s not working. Grow a fucking spine and evolve.

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Hell, they should behave like they're our puppets! Wait, aren't they supposed to be with a little of their own thoughts?

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They are sick people, again, with some exceptions, who gravitate towards power or are just in it to get re-elected again and again. They certainly don’t serve our interests.

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I watched every minute of this documentary and watched the credits as well. I was terrified of watching it because it would add to the trauma of 2009 or 2014 but once I started, I couldn’t stop. I fear we are being ruled by people who are not human. This documentary confirmed my biggest fear of what must be happening to the injured. They must suffer abominable agony and pain. I don’t know what else to say or do. Officer Aaron Bushnell did it for all of us.

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Waaaay past Time to EXPOSÉ *ALL* of the TERRORIST Tech “$$ecurity” Corporations and “$$pecial Forces” ASSISTING the Satellite GeoLocation and GuidedMissile Assassination of INNOCENT CIVILIAN Palestinian DEATH CAMP PRISONERS, Doctors, Journalists, Academics and Aide Workers.

AND for those of means who still retain a grasp on their Humanity to organize an International Army against the Depraved Wicked of this ZioNazi Synagogue of TheFatherOfLies, (who falsely claim to Champion the JewishReligion, while they assassinate TheFaithful, to fulfill their Mission of ENSURING there is “NO Peace!” ) and throw out this tasteless “salt” to be trampled underfoot by Humankind for ALL Eternity.

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Well… you sound a little cray, and the words in caps and the dollar signs kinda reinforce that impression, but I dig what you’re saying so, I thought I’d let you know your righteous in my book.

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Only those UnFamiliar with the NaziSS could hold such “impressions”

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Oh now Mary. I know quite a bit about the SS, and I am by no means denigrating anything you said, so let’s not quarrel. If you read anything I have posted in the last 9 months you would see that you and I are pulling the same oar.

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I suppose it’s a matter of whose propaganda you feel like believing. And no one much cares for the lies the Israelis have been spreading since 10/7. Clumsy, stupid, needless, bathetic lies that insult the intelligence and leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, especially after 9 months later you learn they are all Israeli lies. Because that’s what Israelis do: they are the people of the lie, who lie incessantly in order to keep the whole Jerry-rigged shit show they got going there together.

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This doc will be shown & shared worldwide throughout history, we have seen perpetrators who have never gotten away scott free, never, history will judge these atrocities accordingly. Beautiful Hind we will never forget you & your martyred loved ones, absolute great reporting.

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