yes good article. We should not go down the road of elevating non-violence because that has no effect on the Israelis who merely take advantage of it to pursue their aims. But nor should we fetishise armed resistance as the be all and end all because any form of guerilla war against the Zionists will be very difficult, not least because of the terrain

The first thing that needs to happen is to get rid of the Quisling regime in Ramallah

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Thanks for providing context for the emergence of the Lions' Den. Sorry you were locked out of Twitter for reporting on Nazis in Ukraine. Another once useful site for information gathering is going down the tubes.

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Thanks for this very positive update Asa. It’s the first I’ve heard of the scale and intensity of the Palestinian armed resistance. It makes me aware again, of the role of the bourgeois media in framing the resistance as weak and powerless. You’ve exposed this lie! The Zionist propaganda loses each time the people turn a funeral into a protest. ✊🏼

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History's DARKEST Irony. WHILE the U$/UK-led 1945/6 Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes trlals were in-progress. U$/UK-backed white EUROPEAN interbred Jews began 7-decades ongoing - TERRORISING and KILLING brown semite-Muslim PALESTINIANS! PERSECUTED in their own land - like Jews in Nazi Germany!!

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‘White interbred Jews’??? Sounds pretty racist to me. You need to distinguish between Zionists and Jews. There are millions of Jews all over the world who have fought imperialism and its various off-spring for over 100 years and continue to do so. Likewise there are buckets of Christians etc who blindly accept Zionism and it’s apartheid practices.

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