The BBC is part of the unethical mainstream media. Journalistic integrity?! Not a chance! They [BBC] are part of the Israel lobby propaganda arm. They are ideologically inclined to parrot anything the lobby tells them. Incidentally, for several years now, if I want to read news analysis of anything around the world, I never go to the BBC. They’ve lost all credibility for some time now..

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Same, I view the BBC as an unreliable news source

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I couldn’t care less about a BBC Panorama programme droning on about Palestinian terrorist and such. I stopped listening and watching the BBC over 15 years ago. The Panorama programme would be a mind job on people who can’t be assed or can’t see beyond their nose and there are lots of those. It would seek to justify the genocide using semantics. For my part, I just want the genocide, extermination and systematic slaughter by this current ultra apartheid evil regime to be stopped!!

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Zionists and their supporters use Judaism and the Holocaust as human shields

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Speaking as an American, after reading that a BBC program is preoccupied with the tweets of several British Muslim figures, I'm left wondering what kind of backward country is Britain?

I'm referring of course to the basic doctrine of free speech and association. If a British Muslim or anyone else expresses understanding for the elected governing authority of Gaza or even Hamas the political movement, so what? This is the "worst case" scenario.

Plenty of people express support and affinity for the Likud coalition government in Israel headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. As the entire world has witnessed, that coalition is replete with genocidal maniacs in a case now before the ICJ. If one can publicly tweet support for one, why not the other?

I have to conclude that the British political system is at its core undemocratic, horribly biased, and therefore unworthy of membership in the club of democratic nations. My conclusion is sadly reinforced by the despotic and cruel treatment of Julian Assange by the UK government and judicial system. The miscarriage of justice in the Assange case removes all pretense that the UK is a civilized, law-abiding, democratiic country.

It's government-funded "news agency" -- the BBC -- ought to right matters by refocusing its attention on itself and on undemocratic precepts and conduct of its governing bodies.

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Thank you Asa for your excellent article forewarning us about Panorama's next Hasbara piece.

Are you and the EI team aware that the UK Department of Education has tendered a £5.5m contract "as part of the Tackling Antisemitism in Education Programme"? As the UK's Education Secretary, arch Zionist Robert Haflon is of course involved. I compiled some information about it after seeing Lowkey's tweet: https://azradale.substack.com/p/uk-department-of-education-tenders

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Ugh f-cking him again. He should not have a job at the BBC after the fake AS programmes and continued propaganda.

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The BBC is run by Zionists and we know this now so anything they put out are lies and propaganda. We have to get the Independents into Power and shut the BBC down because it is actually funded by our money, but works for a country of Zionists 6000 miles away.

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A pathetic attempt to distract people from a real terror that is happening right now in Rafah.

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Genocide is apparently a Jewish evolutionary strategy.

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why on earth if the BBC is impartial and wants to get at truth about anything platform a man like Ware. He is a one sided bigot and a disgrace to all journalism. There is nothing objective about Ware. He is a anti Muslim propagandist. BBC is a disgrace to allow this man anywhere near it.

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“Israeli Spy Source” is taking a page out of Goeble’s playbook .

Stop listening to Likud’s mouthpiece.

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The Well Poisoners are master scapegoaters. They swing chickens overhead and kill them while "transferring their sins" to attempt to trick their filthy deities. Much as they use both Muslims and the White Race, to project all of their own crimes upon. The most expelled creatures in human history, own all of our media and money supplies. They are the world's greatest existential threat, and in over 20 nations, you go to jail, if you notice. War is coming. I can't wait, Israel's puny 30 ft wall will not hold long, when the Sons of Europe and the Levant, surround it. Hail Victory.

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Can't John Ware and BBC be sued for all the blatant lies?

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The independent City of London is a Zionist enclave which obeys a Black Nobility international crime syndicate. It has two goals in Gaza.

1) The creation of an alternative to the Suez canal. If Gaza can be cleared of residents it will cease to exist as a home for anyone. It will become the greatest port and earner for Israel.

2) Immediately off Gaza's coastline is a vast gas field which will be exploited by Israel to provide another earner for Israel.

It is obscene but I bet the BBC will not be mentioning either of those researchable facts.

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