It's just mind-boggling how much Israelis have been conditioned to dehumanize Palestinians such that they're willing to sacrifice their own people... And it's all for a cause that is based on settler colonialism and founded on the hate Europeans had for Jewish people...

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The consistent use of the word “settler” is disturbing. As though these immigrants from Europe and the US (mostly) are some plucky, hardy “Little House on the Prairie” cosplays with wagons, bonnets and whatnot. The “settlements” are fully-developed towns and cities, with schools, malls, hospitals, etc. This use of the words “settlers/settlements” is wrong and deceptive. They should be named with their proper name: “colonists” and “colonies.” I’m listening to their European accents - Irish, French - and it’s absolutely absurd that these colonists have the luxury of inhabiting these areas with no impunity and no remorse or reservation. 🧐 It’s disgusting.

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Incredible that even after Thomas Hand's daughter was returned to him unharmed, he can still believe that Palestinians do awful things to their captives (like Israel does) and that he was right to believe that her death would have been preferable to captivity

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I do not believe a word from the mouth of these Israelites. The behavior of their IOF, the cowardness, their are countless videos showing Palestinians taken as human shield,, tell a full picture of this community. What is coming from their moths is a script from their gang leaders, it is a propaganda… suggesting, it okay if your leaders murder your wife or daughter when it is taken hostage. if you are willing to take your wife’s life just to make sure she is not taken to Gaza then it is okay to the government to murder her or you. And also, to show that the so called civilians are so brave and they are willing to sacrifice them self and their families for the cause of the Zionist

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Strange society they have, that requires human sacrifices to survive. Even their own

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THAT HUMAN SACRIFICE HERESY was settled eons ago, in God’s command to Abraham regarding his son Isaac. With fathers like these who needs Satan❓

*GOD’s Will* is that

the Heresy of ZioNaziIsrael ~ In Stiff-Necked Idolatry of Their Covenant with Death and Their Pact with Hell, Hidden Under Their Refuge of LIES~

be Thrown Out and Trampled Underfoot

🔹Isaiah 28:1-19, Isaiah 59 / Matthew 5:13, Revelations 3:9

Exodus 19:5

🔹 “IF you hearken to My voice and keep My covenant,


you shall be My Special Possession, dearer to me than all other people on Earth”

1st Chronicles 22:13

♦️ONLY THEN shall you succeed,

*IF YOU* are careful to observe the statutes and ordinances which the LORD commanded MOSES



His PRINCE-OF-PEACE Our Christmas Gift

(Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 11/ John 14:27, Galatians 5:22-23)


“NO PEACE!” declares TheWicked

(Isaiah 57:19-21)

🔹1st Chronicles 22:8

“You may not build a house for My name, because you have shed too much blood upon the earth in My sight.”


🔹Isaiah 56:7

“My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations”

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