Please help cover the second detention, interrogation, robbery of Richard Medhurst's journalistic devices, including the manuscript of the book he's been writing for 2 years from his home base in Vienna, (Monday) now. Thank you-all. Cried thru most of today's terrific EI podcsat. Love you-all so much!

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This is terrible, of course. I hope at least one copy of this manuscript was stored in electronic form. I use MS cloud service, OneDrive, there are others.

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2,300,000 - 1,800,000 = 500,000 Slaughtered Palestinians in 15 months

33,333 murders / month

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WHYYYYY Does This All Sound SO Hauntingly Familiar ❓

The Number of Civilians Murdered in Panama ( as far as we know. MassGraves on Military Bases were never recovered) are approximately equal to the number of Palestinians slaughtered EVERY 3 DAYS For 15months


AUGUST 1, 1992 American History TV

THE PANAMA DECEPTION (Narrator Elizabeth Montgomery)

This 1993 Academy Award-winning documentary takes a critical look at Operation Just Cause, the December 20, 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama. The film details the consequences for civilians of using military force in a densely populated urban area, and argues that U.S. media coverage of the invasion accepted the Pentagon's version of events.Show Less


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Do you think American troops themselves would commit further genocide...the marines for example..or am I a fool to even doubt that they would?

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Is there any type of delivery from somewhere of food, medicine, fuel, etc to the returning Gazans?

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